Romany Card of the Day, cartomancy, divination

Summer Solstice Divination: The Stork

There’s a lot of stuff happening in the sky this week. It’s a full moon (strawberry moon) and the summer solstice this week. On top of that, the summer solstice this year occurs on a Thursday, which is Jupiter day, a day that many consider the best day of the week to do money magick. I have been playing around with my Romany cards again for the first time in a while, so I decided to pull a card in honor of the full moon, the summer solstice, and Jupiter day. 

The Stork 

This card falls right in line with everything that both the summer solstice and the planet Jupiter signify. New beginnings. Abundance. Growth. If you find this card in a spread, it is almost always a great sign of things to come.  

Let me tell a little personal story.  

At this point in my life, things are getting better. Life ebbs and flows. This statement is true for almost everyone. It has its high moments and its low moments. I went through a period where it felt like nothing would get better, and it really hurt worse than it ever had this time around because I know what homeless feels like. It hurt like hell to think that we could be facing it again. My spirit was low. My frequency was not where it was supposed to be. 

To be the powerful manifestor that I know I am, I had to get my vibe right. I’ve discussed this is previous posts, but I’ll give a brief statement on my beliefs surrounding manifesting and prayer. In short, do what works with respect to wherever you got your methods from. Back when I was a devoted Christian I prayed and my prayers were answered most of the time. When I began learning about the law of attraction and committed myself to really learning about it, I attracted almost everything I set my mind to. When I ventured into Hoodoo and conjure (which is where I remain), I lit my candles and made my petitions. Guess what? It worked. I use the Christian bible in my work because that’s what I’m most familiar with and that’s what my ancestors have told me to use. I stay in my lane. I believe that whatever you do, do it with your whole heart and soul. Most important, educate yourself and know what you are doing.  

Anyway, I had to work on healing my chakras, specifically the root chakra because I was literally flying off the handle with anxiety. As time passed, with lots of meditation, journaling, and crying, I can now say that my feet are on the ground most of the time. Once I reined that anxiety, things started turning around. Money, groceries, and all types of material goods just started coming to me with little to no effort. Still, I have some past due bills, but I trust that as long as I keep up my end, they’ll get paid. As long as I keep my feet on the ground…or at least one foot, like the stork. 

Take the energy from the solstice and the stork and use it to manifest the abundance of whatever it is you’re praying/petitioning for.

2 thoughts on “Summer Solstice Divination: The Stork”

    1. Tarot can be really helpful when you’re to get yourself together. I can do a reading for you, if you’d like. Either way, thanks for stopping by and showing love!


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