Tarot Card of the Day

The Empress and the Knight of Cups

This isn’t exactly a reading, but a little glimpse into what my conversations with my spirit people are like sometimes.

Most of the time I talk to them using my pendulum and board. Lately, however, I’ve been trying to go back to basics and use tarot cards to communicate with them. For the way that me and my folks communicate, I find the pendulum to be the most efficient because they can literally spell out what they want to say. I’ll go into more detail about that another day.

Continue reading “The Empress and the Knight of Cups”
Pick a Card Readings

Timeless Pick-a-Card Love Reading

Hello to everyone reading this. Thanks for stopping by. I’m finally sharing some of my pick-a-card readings that have been in my archives for a while. Posting them to the blog is something new. These readings are very brief in nature, but also timeless. No matter what day of the year it is, if one or all of the messages from each pile is meant for you, you’ll read it when you are supposed to. If you’d like a personal reading from me, you can book a reading with me here.

Choose a pile from the photo below and scroll down to the appropriate section to see what the cards say!

Continue reading “Timeless Pick-a-Card Love Reading”
Tarot Card of the Day

Tarot Card of the Day: Page of Wands

Deck: Awaken Tarot (Affiliate link)

Keywords: optimism, new ideas, naiveté

“Go forth, young person!”

My interpretation

I have a couple of decks where the Page is called the Princess. I think that definitely makes it clear that this card refers to youth, youthful energy, or new beginnings or ideas.

Continue reading “Tarot Card of the Day: Page of Wands”
Tarot Card of the Day

Tarot Card of the Day: Three of Pentacles/Coins

Deck: Awaken Tarot
(This is an affiliate link. I may receive compensation at no additional cost to you if you use this link to make a purchase.)

Keywords: Collaboration, success, growth, working together, getting things done 

“Teamwork makes the dream work!” 

Overall, this is a very positive card that instills a feeling of reassurance in me that lets me know that everything will be okay. If you’ve read my other posts, you’ll know that I don’t deal much with reversals and that the overall tone of the reading determines how I interpret the cards as opposed to which cards are upside down.  

My interpretation: 

I love this card because, on a personal level, I feel like it is my ancestors and spirit guides speaking to me and telling me to work with them. I’ve been on this spiritual journey for many years at this point, and I probably have the most direct connection with now that I’ve ever had. Having said that, sometimes it is still a little hard to look past what is right in front of my face and be trusting.  

If you’re going to do this spiritual stuff, you have to be a little delusional. I mean, you have to be able to disregard reality to a certain degree. Even if your bank account is in the negative and your electricity bill is due in less than a week, you have to trust that God/the Universe/Most High, etc, and your spirit guides have your back and will take care of you. That prayer that you prayed for that miracle was heard. Maybe somebody will gift you what you need. Maybe an opportunity to earn what you need will appear. I’ve had all types of opportunities come to me once I was able to distract myself from distressing situations and find ways to calm myself down.  

On a less metaphysical level, this card is about actual teamwork.  

Careerwise, you may be part of a team or may need to seek guidance or assistance from a helpful party in order to accomplish your goals.  

In relationships, I feel that this is a positive card because it shows people working together for a common cause. You and your partner or potential partner are a good match.  

The Crystal of the Day 

I actually chose the Tiger’s Eye before I pulled the card and I feel that the card matches the Tiger’s Eye. I’m far from a crystal expert, so I am sharing what I am learning along the way. The Tiger’s Eye is a protective stone with lots of powerful energy. It helps build courage, break through blockages, and move past insecurities, which can all lead towards attracting wealth and prosperity. I know I have seen Tiger’s eye in almost every chakra bracelet and necklace I’ve encountered and that it is a good stone to have in your healing/balancing arsenal. Tiger’s eye or the Eye of the Tiger, like the song, is a symbol or representation of fierceness, determination, and success.  

If you are interested in a tarot or oracle reading with me, send me a message below! Check out my services here.

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Oracle Cards

New Moon Oracle Card: Found Soul

Tonight is a new moon. A new moon can represent new birth or a new cycle. Tonight feels like a good night to pull an oracle card and explore this particular deck a little more. 

The oracle card for today is Found Soul and it feels so appropriate for this new moon. 

The message on this card reads: Connection. The Other Half and the Forgotten Self. Rebirth.

I’ll give a brief anecdote that’ll hopefully illustrate what this card means to me. 

Continue reading “New Moon Oracle Card: Found Soul”
Tarot Card of the Day

Tarot Card of the Day: The Emperor

Deck: True Heart Intuitive Tarot

To whoever is reading this post, I hope you are having a wonderful day and if not, I hope it gets better for you. I’ve been holding on to this card for almost a month now but seeing as how this is the beginning of a new year, I thought it would be appropriate to discuss this card today.

Today’s card is the Emperor.

A few words to describe this card: Stability, leadership, decisions, discipline

My interpretation:

This card comes along when it is time to take charge and make some decisions. From a personal perspective, I have been working hard on building my businesses and maintaining my home. I am at a place where things are getting a little tough, but the trend has generally been upwards. I still have a long way to go to reach the place I’d like to be and now is the time I need to make some changes in order to get there. What I was doing with my budget is no longer going to work because my primary focus was on making sure I had enough to cover the most important things. Now, in order for me to be able to cover everything my family needs and have extra, I have to change my budget strategy, my income-earning strategy, and my business strategy. I know it still won’t be easy, but as the Emperor/Leader of my life, my home, and my business, it is up to me to do what needs to be done. This is the time to accomplish goals by employing strategy, skill, and intellect.

If this card comes up and overall vibe of the reading feels negative or low, then it means that the Emperor may not be feeling like the leader that they are which can lead to aloofness and indecisiveness. In the words of Mufasa from The Lion King, “Remember who you are.”

Let me read your cards!

Order a tarot reading from me by clicking the photo below or visiting this link. I also offer my services on Fiverr.

manifesting, Tarot Card of the Day

Tarot Card of the Day: 4 of Wands

Tarot deck: DPEHAKMK Beginners Tarot Deck

I happened to capture the moment at 1:11PM on 11/11/22, so I decided to draw a card. Today’s card is the 4 of Wands.

To sum up this card in a few words: stability, commitment, creativity, freedom

My interpretation:

I’ll start with the fact that yesterday was my birthday. Today, 11/11, is the birthday of someone special to me who passed away some years ago at the age of 33. I am now 33 years old. I said that to say that he definitely makes his presence known to me from time to time and he is on my mind today. In life, he was a creative soul who paid his dues and lived a humble life. For me, that is what the 4 of Wands card represents. If pulled in a high or positive vibe, it is a card that symbolizes celebration, unions, harmony, and marriage/strong commitments. If pulled in a low vibe, it means the opposite: mistrust, instability, etc. In a nutshell, this card is a reminder to stay ready so you don’t have to get ready. We have goals and desires and often when the opportunity arises to actually have them, we are not ready for them. Prepare yourself for the love you desire.

Let me read your cards!

Order a tarot reading from me by clicking the photo below or visiting this link.

Tarot Card of the Day

Tarot Card of the Day: Temperance

Tarot Deck: Tirlano Tarot Card and Guide Book Set

It was 11:11 and I felt the urge to pull a card. Today I pulled Temperance and I feel it is appropriate for how I’ve been feeling in recent weeks.

A few words to describe this card: stability, balance, alignment, learning.

If this card is pulled in “low” or negative vibe, then it means the opposite of the general “high” vibe interpretation.

I’ll tell a little bit of my life in recent weeks that will hopefully give a good idea of what this card is about. I’ve been striving for peace, harmony, balance, and tranquility for my entire life. The last few weeks have felt like the closest to it I’ve ever been. I’ve been to a few extremes which included homelessness and hospitalization due to anxiety. I’ve also been blessed to “win the lottery” a few times, though not the actual lottery (I wish!). By “win the lottery” I mean I’ve had rare opportunities that benefited me and my family and put us in a position of comfort.

At this stage in my life, through a combination of years of hard work, help from my guardian angels, and a couple of “lottery wins,” I’m in a place where I’m not overly stressed. I have some concerns but I am positive that all will be well.

I have struggled with my physical health despite the changes I’ve tried to make, but now it seems to be resolving itself. I don’t have as much money as I’d like to have yet, but my income has steadily increased each month this year. I really don’t have a lot to complain about. I feel that a large part of the reason why my life is more materially consistent, stable, and peaceful nowadays is because I’ve been putting in the spiritual work. It took prayer, gratitude journaling, meditating, and counseling for me to leave the unstable place. Once I am in harmony with the Spirit, the opportunities for material gain come from expected and unexpected places. I have literally received email and letter invitations to receive money that I never expected. The point of my rant is that because I continuously work to stabilize my spiritual connections, all the other connections in my life seem more likely to stabilize, as well. When I get out of sorts spiritual alignment, my life eventually turns into complete chaos.

Tarot Card of the Day

Tarot Card of the Day: The Empress

Tarot Deck: True Heart Intuitive Tarot by Rachel True

Today is one of those once-in-a-lifetime days 2/22/22. I waited until 2:22pm to pull a card from the deck and I pulled The Empress. A little later, I checked my Facebook page and Facebook reminded me that 10 years ago today, my sister announced (with my permission) my first pregnancy to the world. Roughly a month later, I miscarried that child. It was a horrible experience, one that I still think about often. Two years later, I gave birth to my rainbow baby.

Continue reading “Tarot Card of the Day: The Empress”
Tarot Card of the Day

Tarot Card of the Day: Seven of Cups

Tarot Deck: Modern Witch Tarot

Today’s tarot card is the seven of cups.

If I were to sum up this card in a few words, I’d say: choices, dreams, intuition, mental maturity, mental health

I’ve looked at a few different interpretations and illustrations of this card to come up with my own thoughts. This card shows seven cups and each cup has a different figure or symbol which represents different things. For example, the heart on this card can represent love and relationships, the tornado could represent a terrible situation, and the fist could be a representative of strength.

Imagine yourself being the person in the illustration looking at those cups which are nestled in the clouds and needing to choose one or two of them. Depending on where you are in life or what you are focused on, you may choose a cup that will be good for you. However, those cups are in the clouds, you aren’t. Meaning, you need to keep your proverbial feet on the ground. You need to be mentally and spiritually stable in order to make a good choice. It appears the good choices outweigh the bad ones and the clouds aren’t that far from your grasp, but there’s still a chance you could choose something that’ll lead you to a figurative snake or tornado, although a tornado may not be the worst thing that can happen either. Take care of your mental and spiritual health. Then you’ll be able to make a choice or pursue a dream that will benefit you.

Let me read your cards!

Order a tarot reading from me by clicking the photo below it visiting this link.


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