Oracle Cards

Oracle Card of the Day: Connected Spirit

It’s a new month! Happy June!

I pulled a card from the Oracle of Great Mystics deck to see if I could get something good to share with anybody who reads my content. My guides gave me the Connected Spirit card.

This card is all about staying connected not just to the spirit world but also to the people around you in the flesh. It made me think of the dream that I had just before I woke up this morning.

Continue reading “Oracle Card of the Day: Connected Spirit”
Monthly Reading, Oracle Cards

What’s the Vibe? Spring 2024

Happy spring! Officially, spring began on March 19, but I can rarely keep with dates and post in a timely manner. Still, we have entered a new season, and I felt the need to pull some oracle cards for the occasion.

Many people see the actual New Year as happening in the spring. The longer I live, the more I agree with that. For me, my personal new year is my birthday, but the collective new year is in spring when everything is coming out of hibernation and beginning to grow again.

Continue reading “What’s the Vibe? Spring 2024”
Personal Readings

A tarot reading for my little one

Wheel of Fortune
Princess/Page of Discs
8 of Cups
The World

Not too long ago, my daughter came in the room while I was shuffling my cards and getting ready to do a reading with someone. She wanted to know what I was doing, but I’ve been hesitant to fully introduce her into that world because she’s only 9. However, the tears started to flow because she really wanted to know what Mommy was doing, and I couldn’t resist.

Continue reading “A tarot reading for my little one”
Oracle Cards

Oracle Card of the Day: Empty Nest

Deck: Oracle of Great Mystics

The actual message on this card is “Solitude. An end of instruction.”

This card represents a period of quiet time. Reflection. “Empty nest.” Relax a little. Take time away from teaching or even actively learning and just be. Being alone doesn’t necessarily mean being lonely because you are with yourself.

I find it interesting that I pulled this card today because I’m about to have somewhat of an empty nest for about a month. My daughter isn’t anywhere near old enough to move out on her own yet. She’s just going out of town for the first half of the upcoming summer vacation and I’ll be home alone. It will be the longest period of time that I will have spent without her.

Even when I worked a job that would take me away for long periods of time, I’d usually be gone for about two weeks. A month is a bit longer than anything we have done before. Going an entire month is totally different from stealing a few minutes, maybe even an hour or two out of a typical day to have a moment to myself. I am going to miss her and worry about her. But I trust that she will be cared for and that she will remember the lessons that I have taught her so far, which is another point that the Empty Nest card makes.

I have been thinking of all the ways to fill that time up outside of maybe increasing my workload while I have the free schedule. That month will be over quickly, the same way it seems this year has flown by. I don’t want to wake up on the day that she’s supposed to come home and wonder what I didn’t do when I had the chance. I wasn’t expecting this card at all, but the Spirit always seems to know me a little bit better than I think I know myself. This empty nest thing is definitely something worth thinking about.

If you are interested in an oracle or tarot reading, check out my page on Buy Me A Coffee or Fiverr.

Oracle Cards

Oracle Card of the Day: Inner Wisdom

It’s been a while. It wasn’t my intention to allow so much time to pass, but things happen. The card I pulled today is actually right on time.

Today’s card from the Oracle of Great Mystics is Inner Wisdom.

I’ve been on quite an emotional rollercoaster for the past few months, and it has been hard to keep my emotions in check at times. I keep my ashwagandha and positive energy tea on deck. The card for today touches on knowing yourself and detaching yourself from the material world.

The fact is the world is expensive both monetarily and mentally. If you can get past the day to day distractions of just trying to survive in the “real world,” then you’ll see how temporary everything is. You’ll see exactly how strong you are because this temporary $hit will kill your body and your soul if you let it.

Make some observations about your behavior and emotions. What brings you calm? What ticks you off? If you had no responsibilities outside of yourself, what would you do? A couple of hours of “Me time” every week is necessary. Working out, crocheting, baking, etc. Meditation and reflection are important. These things help you to go within yourself and define yourself.

If you are interested in an oracle or tarot reading, check out my page on Buy Me A Coffee or Fiverr.

Personal Readings, Romany Card of the Day

New Year’s Reading with Romany Cards

Deck: Gypsy Fortunes Book and Card Pack by Lady Lorelei

I decided to do a little work on myself by doing a full self-reading. I chose my Romany cards because I haven’t used them in a very long time and these were the first deck of illustrated cards that I ever worked with. Now that I have what feels like a hundred different tarot decks and oracle decks, I have so much more appreciation for this one and its simplicity. The tarot/oracle is a tool and I feel that anyone can take it or leave it. I don’t know if there is any power in the actual cards or if it is all about the reader. I suppose a little psychology is at play, as well. It always amazes me, as well as the person I am reading, when I draw cards that completely describe circumstances I couldn’t have possibly known about prior. Whatever it is, I consider it a gift overall.

Enough with the rambling… Here are the questions and the cards. Keep reading for my full spiel.

1. Sunset: Lessons from previous year
2. Horizon: What to expect next year
3. Obstacle: A challenge you’ll face this year
4. Strength: How to harness your inner power
5. Advice: Lessons you learned last year
6. Navigation: Guidance for the year ahead
7. Clarity: Your personal theme for the year
8. Angel Card
9. Love Card

Continue reading “New Year’s Reading with Romany Cards”

1. Sunset: Lessons from previous year
2. Horizon: What to expect next year
3. Obstacle: A challenge you’ll face this year
4. Strength: How to harness your inner power
5. Advice: Lessons you learned last year
6. Navigation: Guidance for the year ahead
7. Clarity: Your personal theme for the year
8. Angel Card
9. Love Card

Continue reading “New Year’s Reading with Romany Cards”
Tarot Card of the Day

Tarot Card of the Day: Temperance

Tarot Deck: Tirlano Tarot Card and Guide Book Set

It was 11:11 and I felt the urge to pull a card. Today I pulled Temperance and I feel it is appropriate for how I’ve been feeling in recent weeks.

A few words to describe this card: stability, balance, alignment, learning.

If this card is pulled in “low” or negative vibe, then it means the opposite of the general “high” vibe interpretation.

I’ll tell a little bit of my life in recent weeks that will hopefully give a good idea of what this card is about. I’ve been striving for peace, harmony, balance, and tranquility for my entire life. The last few weeks have felt like the closest to it I’ve ever been. I’ve been to a few extremes which included homelessness and hospitalization due to anxiety. I’ve also been blessed to “win the lottery” a few times, though not the actual lottery (I wish!). By “win the lottery” I mean I’ve had rare opportunities that benefited me and my family and put us in a position of comfort.

At this stage in my life, through a combination of years of hard work, help from my guardian angels, and a couple of “lottery wins,” I’m in a place where I’m not overly stressed. I have some concerns but I am positive that all will be well.

I have struggled with my physical health despite the changes I’ve tried to make, but now it seems to be resolving itself. I don’t have as much money as I’d like to have yet, but my income has steadily increased each month this year. I really don’t have a lot to complain about. I feel that a large part of the reason why my life is more materially consistent, stable, and peaceful nowadays is because I’ve been putting in the spiritual work. It took prayer, gratitude journaling, meditating, and counseling for me to leave the unstable place. Once I am in harmony with the Spirit, the opportunities for material gain come from expected and unexpected places. I have literally received email and letter invitations to receive money that I never expected. The point of my rant is that because I continuously work to stabilize my spiritual connections, all the other connections in my life seem more likely to stabilize, as well. When I get out of sorts spiritual alignment, my life eventually turns into complete chaos.

cartomancy, Personal Readings

Good old fashioned cartomancy: Semi-personal reading

Lately, I’ve been receiving signs about someone I used to know. I haven’t spoken to this person in a long time and I have gradually separated myself from them both online and in spirit. Occasionally this person pops up in my dreams.

Over the past few days a picture of them has popped up in my social media feed despite the fact that I unfollowed them and everyone associated with them. What’s funny is that when we were friends online their posts never showed up in my feed. Later that same day, I received a message from this person. It was a group message that went out to many people, probably hundreds, but it was such a coincidence.

In my dreams of this person, they are always inaccessible to me. For instance, I may dream that they are inviting me into their home only for me to enter just as they are leaving. That pretty much sums up what our relationship was like and why we no longer speak today. I’ve had other dreams of this person. In those dreams, I’m either doing something that makes me happy or I’m in a place where I am happy and this person appears and is trying to get my attention. Isn’t that how it usually goes in real life?

Anyway, I decided to be nosy and read their cards. It has been a very long time since I’ve done this. The last time I did it was a couple of years ago and in that time, I’ve moved on with my life but I have taken notice to the things that have publicly unfolded for them. The cards were right. Based on the cards I read today, they’re not happy. My guess is that the romantic relationship they are in is in trouble or it will be soon. That’s none of my business though, so I won’t reach out to them. I just felt a tugging on my spirit. I’m afraid to ask the cards what comes next, especially if it involves them coming back into my life in any way.

Book a reading with me!

Tarot Card of the Day

Tarot Card of the Day: Seven of Cups

Tarot Deck: Modern Witch Tarot

Today’s tarot card is the seven of cups.

If I were to sum up this card in a few words, I’d say: choices, dreams, intuition, mental maturity, mental health

I’ve looked at a few different interpretations and illustrations of this card to come up with my own thoughts. This card shows seven cups and each cup has a different figure or symbol which represents different things. For example, the heart on this card can represent love and relationships, the tornado could represent a terrible situation, and the fist could be a representative of strength.

Imagine yourself being the person in the illustration looking at those cups which are nestled in the clouds and needing to choose one or two of them. Depending on where you are in life or what you are focused on, you may choose a cup that will be good for you. However, those cups are in the clouds, you aren’t. Meaning, you need to keep your proverbial feet on the ground. You need to be mentally and spiritually stable in order to make a good choice. It appears the good choices outweigh the bad ones and the clouds aren’t that far from your grasp, but there’s still a chance you could choose something that’ll lead you to a figurative snake or tornado, although a tornado may not be the worst thing that can happen either. Take care of your mental and spiritual health. Then you’ll be able to make a choice or pursue a dream that will benefit you.

Let me read your cards!

Order a tarot reading from me by clicking the photo below it visiting this link.

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