Personal Readings, Romany Card of the Day

New Year’s Reading with Romany Cards

Deck: Gypsy Fortunes Book and Card Pack by Lady Lorelei

I decided to do a little work on myself by doing a full self-reading. I chose my Romany cards because I haven’t used them in a very long time and these were the first deck of illustrated cards that I ever worked with. Now that I have what feels like a hundred different tarot decks and oracle decks, I have so much more appreciation for this one and its simplicity. The tarot/oracle is a tool and I feel that anyone can take it or leave it. I don’t know if there is any power in the actual cards or if it is all about the reader. I suppose a little psychology is at play, as well. It always amazes me, as well as the person I am reading, when I draw cards that completely describe circumstances I couldn’t have possibly known about prior. Whatever it is, I consider it a gift overall.

Enough with the rambling… Here are the questions and the cards. Keep reading for my full spiel.

1. Sunset: Lessons from previous year
2. Horizon: What to expect next year
3. Obstacle: A challenge you’ll face this year
4. Strength: How to harness your inner power
5. Advice: Lessons you learned last year
6. Navigation: Guidance for the year ahead
7. Clarity: Your personal theme for the year
8. Angel Card
9. Love Card

Continue reading “New Year’s Reading with Romany Cards”

1. Sunset: Lessons from previous year
2. Horizon: What to expect next year
3. Obstacle: A challenge you’ll face this year
4. Strength: How to harness your inner power
5. Advice: Lessons you learned last year
6. Navigation: Guidance for the year ahead
7. Clarity: Your personal theme for the year
8. Angel Card
9. Love Card

Continue reading “New Year’s Reading with Romany Cards”
Romany Card of the Day, Tarot Card of the Day

Romany Card of the Day: The Broken Mirror

Deck: Gypsy Fortunes Book and Card Pack by Lady Lorelei

I haven’t pulled from my Romany cards in ages, so I figured I’d draw a card today. I did a quick reading on myself yesterday and drew from two separate tarot decks and they both have a similar message. This card from my Romany deck seems to tie in with what I got yesterday.

This card is the Broken Mirror. It is similar to the Death card in tarot. It can either mean the end of something out the beginning of something. It is a transition card. One could see it as bad luck. It could also be seen as the end of that particular mirror. Keeping the metaphorical broken mirror may not be a great idea. You could keep it and try to salvage the pieces but ultimately your reflection is distorted and you don’t get as good of a view of yourself as you would buy just getting a new, and possibly better, mirror.

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Life in a Few Words
Fit2bemyself: Journal of a Plus Size Fitness Instructor